AGREEMENT entered into by HIGH OFFICER of the BhOOTAN GOVERNMENT for the surrender of the two Guns -1865.


AGREEMENT entered into by HIGH OFFICER of the BhOOTAN GOVERNMENT for the surrender of the two Guns -1865.

We, Sam Dorji Deb Zimpon and Themseyrensey Dronyer, the two high officers of the Bhooton Court, will go back to the Deb Raj-11 and fully explain to His Highness about the two guns which fell into the hands of the Bhootea troops on the evacuation of Dewangiree, and obtain His Highness's consent to go to Tongsa about them. If we succeed in getting back the guns by bringing Tongso Penlow to terms, we will either bring the guns back and restore them at Sinnhula, or else cause them to be handed over to the British officers at Dewangire: but if we should unfortunately be unsuccessfnl, one of us will come down to the Representative of the British Government for assistance, and, in the meantime, we agree to explain to His Highness the Deb Rajah that no money payment can be expected under the 4th Article of the Treaty.

We further agree that no money payment under the Treaty shall be due to the Bhootan Government in the event of Mr.Eden at Cheeboo Lama declaring that a second copy of the Treaty extorted from them was left by them in Bhootan, until such time as the said second copy shall be found and surrendered to the Representative of the British Government, and we fully understand and aclcnowledge tbat, until the two British guns are restored, no money payment under the Treaty will be due to the Bhootan Government.

 Done this 10th day of November 1865, corresponding aith 23rd-9th month, Bhootea year Shing Lug, or one day previous to the date fixed for the formal signature of the Treaty in Public Darbar at Sinchula.

Samdrup Dorji Deb Zimpon

Damcho Rinchen Dronyer



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