
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Delivery of Guns to British India at Drangme Zam below the Shalikhar Dzong.

  The Delivery of Guns to British India at Drangme Zam below the Shalikhar Dzong. In accordance with the agreement signed between British and Bhutan, the guns were supposed to return by 10 January 1866. But Trongsa Penlop Jigme Namgyal refused to accept the terms of peace signed by Desi. Jigme Namgyal wanted to negotiate separately with British which were declined by the British India Government. Meanwhile, on January 19th, 1866, Major General Frazer Tytler reported to Government that Trongsa Penlop refused to give the guns up and openly defied the British. As a result, orders were issued for an advance to be made against Trongsa Penlop. General Tytler was not willing to act provided he was given a large force. General Tytler resigned when Government appointed Colonel Richardson to command the expedition. But Lady MacGregor writes that Government decided to send the column to Trongsa under the command of Colonel Richardson because the Government was hurried to send the column to Tr