Kishen Kant Bose’s Mission to Bhutan – 1815
Gorkha after the conquest of Nepal expanded aggressively and took over many neighboring States such as Palpah, Patan and others. This Gurkha expansion came as a blow to the British’s policy of expanding towards the Himalayan Region. It also blocked the British trade route to Tibet through Nepal. East India Company tried her best to establish resident at Nepal failed. The East India Company perceived that the war was inevitable with Nepal one day or the other. The Company employed David Scot to collect information about Nepal. Scot was further asked to communicate with Sikkim, Tibet and Bhutan that these countries remained neutral during the Anglo–Nepalese war. His Excellency [the Governor-General] further desires that you will be pleased to endeavor to open a channel of communication with the administration of Lassa, in order to afford the means of conveying to the authorities there such an intimation of the origin and objects of our proceedings towards the Nepalese, a...